
Parental involvement in ABA therapy is an essential part of helping children with autism thrive. As a parent, you know your child best and what your family’s goals are. You may be one of the first people to observe signs of autism in your child, and you have an integral role in designing their therapy plan, articulating goals, and highlighting their strengths and challenges. One of the best ways you can support your child is to be actively involved in their ABA therapy. Parents and caregivers are essential to reinforcing positive behaviors and ensuring they can be maintained beyond the therapy environment and into the home, school, and community.

We understand, however, that caregivers might feel overwhelmed and while they want to help their child as best they can, it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, ABA therapy can benefit parents and caregivers as well as children. A board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) can offer professional guidance, a support network, and access to other resources so you can ensure progress is being made outside of a therapy session, and you have your questions answered and needs met as well.

At Inner Circle Autism Network, there are observation and parent training rooms at many of our clinics, so you can see your child’s treatment plan in action. We encourage you to ask questions and to volunteer information about your child’s likes and dislikes so we can structure their therapy accordingly.

We also encourage parents to work with their child’s BCBA to develop goals for their child and reinforce strategies to help their child meet those goals. For example, if your child is working on saying “please” and “thank you,” you can encourage those words at home, model using them yourself, and explain why a certain situation might call for those words.

As a parent and caregiver, you are instrumental to your child’s developmental success. Taking an active part in their ABA therapy and working with their therapists will provide the support and encouragement they need to be successful and thrive.

Contact us to learn more about ABA therapy. 


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